"The Grey Zone": How to Handle Partially Incompetent Aging Parents - Aging Parents | Aging Parents: Your aging parent seems ok one day. The next day, he can’t find his way out the front door. Is he really losing it? Or is it just a temporary thing?
What we call “the grey zone” is that place between being competent and being incompetent for making decisions that is part of cognitive decline. The crazy-making part of it is that it is so unpredictable. The impairment that begins to affect the brain of a person with dementia very early in the process may be both hidden and subtle. But it’s real. And it can be dangerous.
AgingParents.com grew out of the combined efforts of three individuals, Carolyn L. Rosenblatt, R. N., attorney, Dr. Mikol Davis, psychologist, and Bruce Tokars. It arose from a shared desire to help boomers meet the needs of their aging loved ones. All three are boomers themselves.