How to Message LinkedIn Group Members | @StacyZapar's Blog
You used to be able to message fellow group members via a link right on their profile. That went away many years ago and it's now much more convoluted and you really have to know what you’re doing to figure it out. It’s not intuitive in the least (in my opinion) and it even took me a while to find the feature after this latest change to the functionality and user interface. (Note: This could be a sign that the feature is in the process of being phased out… Much easier to do away with something that no one could find recently anyway.)
Stacy Donovan Zapar is a 16-year recruiting veteran for Fortune 500 tech companies and CEO of Tenfold Social Training, a B2B Social Recruiting training company for talent acquisition and staffing teams around the world. She is also the Most Connected Woman on LinkedIn with more than 40,000 1st-level connections, making her the #5 most connected person out of 259 million users worldwide. She is a monthly contributor to LinkedIn's Talent Blog and served as Technical Editor for Wiley's LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day. Stacy speaks regularly at HR / Recruiting conferences globally, including #truLondon, LinkedIn Talent Connect and Sourcing Summit Australia. She is #6 on Huffington Post's Top 100 Most Social HR Experts on Twitter and #7 on's 50 People Most Retweeted by Recruiters on Twitter. Feel free to connect with Stacy on LinkedIn and Twitter (@StacyZapar).