Living it Up Creatively
Exploring the Potential of Digital Technology to link AHPs and People in Remote, Rural Hubs
Since June 2014, a group made up of people living with disabilitiesand health problems, carers and Allied Health Professionals (AHP’s) have
been actively learning about the benefits of digital inclusion. In
August, we established a steering group to drive forward a Living it Up Creatively
digital project that links Helmsdale, a remote rural community in East
Sutherland, to New Craigs, the main Mental Health Hospital supporting
the Highlands from Inverness.
How will we use digital technology to connect professionals and people in the future?
For further information contact Sarah Muir (AHP Lead NHS Highlands) at or Ann Pascoe (Dementia Friendly Communities, East Sutherland) on .
And follow us on twitter: @sarahahpmh and @a_carers_voice.